Organic Hair Care

Written by Karen Bates (last updated November 3, 2021)


We put our hair through a lot when we wash and style it each day. In a single day, hair might be washed with shampoo and conditioner, dried with a hair dryer, subjected to various styling products like hair spray, and is curled, straightened, or otherwise styled. To put it simply, hair endures a lot before the perfect style is achieved.

While you probably aren't about to set aside your regular styling routine to spare your hair some stress, there are things you can do to make things easier on your hair. One possibility is to switch from regular hair care products to ones that are natural or organic.

Organic hair care products can be better for your hair because they often lack the chemicals that most normal products contain. The ingredients in organic products have not been grown with pesticides. In the long run, this can be quite beneficial to your hair's health and is better for the planet.

If you are interested in trying organic products in your hair care routine, here are some things you'll want to keep in mind:

  • First of all, you need to make sure that the product you are considering is actually organic. The government does not always regulate the organic label, so some companies will use it even if it is not true of their product. Do research on the company and its products so you can be certain what you're getting.
  • Organic products can have a bigger price tag than their non-organic counterparts. To get the best deal, searching for products online can be a good idea. You will probably pay less on the web than in a store, and in some cases you can get free shipping when you purchase a certain amount.
  • You can find almost any hair care product in an organic version. Look for shampoos, conditioners, styling products, hair coloring kits, and more in natural food stores and online.
  • Although it may seem unlikely to some that you can get a good style without using chemical-laden styling products, you can have the same results with organic ingredients. Try an organic hair mousse or spray instead of your regular ones and see how it measures up. You might be surprised!

Try organic beauty products and see how they work compared to non-organic ones. You might want to try a few different ones to find the one that will be right for you. Just remember to do your research when it comes to knowing what is actually deserving of the "organic" label, and start enjoying beautiful hair without the chemicals!

Author Bio

Karen Bates

An English student who enjoys writing and art, Karen has had her poetry published in her university's literary journal and has several novels in the works. ...


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2016-06-20 08:33:55


Thank you for mentioning organic products and how some companies label their products as such even if they are not. You're right, too, that the government doesn't regulate organic labeling on products. There is a push right now to regulate the labeling, but there is a lot of push back from the larger, non-organic manufacturers. Using organic is, indeed healthier. It would be wonderful if we could always trust the labels!