Choosing the Best Underwear
With the exception of Captain Underpants and other superheroes, underwear is meant to give us some support beneath our clothing. You can put on that pair in the back of your drawer that has been there for ten years and is covered with holes, or you can wear the ugly ones that you still don't know why you own and no one will have to know. I always feel so much better when I am wearing a fresh pair of underwear that fits me well and serves its purpose. The choices for under garments are growing constantly with new cuts, fits, and fabrics. It can be a little confusing but do not give up and just grab the first bulk package you see, you will more than likely not be happy with what you get. Here are a few things to look for in a good pair of underwear.
- Size. You can get a good idea of what size underwear you should be wearing by looking at the tag on your most comfortable pair, chances are you like them because they are the right size. If you do not have a pair that is comfortable or find it hard to trust this method you can ask the person working in the lingerie section of a department store if they can help you. They may ask for your waist size, this is so they can see where you fit in a size chart; charts can also be found online if you prefer to check yourself. The most foolproof way to find your size is to grab a few different sizes in the same kind of underwear and try them on, over the pair you already have on of course. You will want to choose a size that fits you in the waist and legs, and hugs your body as you move with except for men's boxers, these are meant to have a loose fit.
- Cut. There are numerous choices in this category and the best way to find the right on for you is try them on. Maybe you like the fuller coverage of briefs or maybe a thong or g-string is the way you want to go, you will never know if you like a cut unless you try it. When you go into the fitting room you will want to bring a variety of cuts to get a feel for which is best.
- Fabric. Underwear comes in many different fabrics and each one has its good points. A silkier fabric will lay better under clothing and not bunch as much as some other fabrics. Blends are always a popular choice because they can offer more support and contour the body a little better than others. Cotton is great for breathability and comfort. If you are not sure what you want or need a few of the different benefits get a few of each kind to wear on the days that you want the particular advantages.
A well fitting pair of underwear can make you feel great and provide a foundation for you outfits. As with any other piece of clothing you want to try things on before you buy, just remember to wash whatever pair you happened to choose before you wear it without anything else under it.
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