Using a Sedu Flat Iron

Written by Charlotte Wood (last updated November 1, 2021)

Sedu may be slowly taking the hair world by storm, but one of the problems with all celebrity products like Sedu is learning how to use them. Celebrity hair, regardless of the products or tools you use, is often very difficult to achieve without your own personal stylist. Even when your hair stylist does your hair and tells you how to do it on your own, it still rarely looks like it did when someone else did it. With Sedu do you have to know the tips and tricks to be able to effectively use it the way you want?

The basics of Sedu (and any other flat iron for that matter) are simple. You need to start from the root of your hair and slowly make your way downward. To give your hair more volume as you straighten, pull the hair out a bit as you guide the flat iron down your hair. When you've straightened the strand of hair, it should fall with a bit more volume to it. To achieve other slightly differing looks, you can flip the iron outward to create a cute and trendy flip or you can flip inward to make a soft and understated curl. You can also make a more curly look by either wrapping your hair around the barrel of the iron or twisting your hair through the iron as you take the straightener down your strand.

Really what makes Sedu different (and most definitely more expensive) is the technology in the plates that supposedly softens and smoothes your hair. Sedu irons also shorten the time it may take to straighten your hair. Despite these two excellent pros to Sedu irons, they still have no power to make you magically able to do your hair like your own professional stylist. With any kind of hair straightener you need to know how to special hairdos; it doesn't come magically with the Sedu iron. The Sedu iron can definitely be a beauty asset, but really only if you practice and probably if you already have a bit of hair training. There's nothing about the basics of Sedu that can't be applied with any other flat iron.

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Charlotte Wood


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