There are hundreds of makeup products out on the market today. You can stock up all you want on bright lipsticks, shimmery eye shadows, powdery blushes, and thickening mascaras, but make sure you think about how you are going to apply these products. Makeup brushes have been created for all different kinds of makeup products. Sometimes your makeup will come with makeup brushes. Feel free to use those brushes or use ones that you know you like best. The following is a list of some of these types of makeup brushes:
- Finger. Although not technically a brush, the finger has become more and more common as the makeup tool of choice. You can just use your finger to smear on eye shadow or apply lip balm. However, using an actual brush can give you greater precision as you are applying your makeup.
- Mascara brush. This brush already comes with your mascara—it's not one that you need to buy separately. However, different shapes of brushes reportedly influence how your eyelashes are styled. For example, a curved mascara brush is supposed to help curve your eyelashes.
- Eyeliner brush. Although many people think that this brush is optional, others swear by it. Instead of buying pencil eyeliner, you can buy eyeliner that is applied with a brush. Another option instead of eyeliner is to just use dark eye shadow along the base of your eyelashes instead.
- Concealer brush. If you are using a thick concealer for spots, use a concealer brush that has thick, short, and firm fibers. You can use a concealer brush with longer and looser fibers if you are using a lighter concealer that is meant to cover your entire face.
- Foundation brush. Yes, it is possible for you to just use your fingers to apply your foundation. If you want a better blend, however, use a foundation brush.
- Eye shadow brush. The eyelid is very sensitive, so look for an eye shadow brush with soft bristles. Different eye shadow brushes should be used for different effects. If you want light color, use a brush with light bristles. If you want a more brilliant color, use a brush with firmer bristles.
- Blush brush. A long handle on your blush brush is important, as it will help you with your angle and accuracy. Look for bristles that are soft and silky.
Author Bio
Emily McBride
A senior majoring in English and editing at BYU, Emily hopes to enter the field of professional editing upon graduation. Emily has done humanitarian work in Africa and studied in London. She enjoys blogging, foreign films, and playing the piano. Learn more about Emily...
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