Beauty Tips for the Bride
You have taken the time to prepare for your wedding day. You have planned and shopped, scrimped and saved. You have chosen the perfect dress and everything is ready—except for you. There are some beauty tips that can have you looking great all day long.
- Plan. A stress-free bride is more radiant and beautiful. So, make a plan of what needs to be done for the day with approximate times that it will take to accomplish different tasks. Allow more time than usual for your hair and make-up. If it usually takes you only 15 minutes to apply your make-up then give yourself an extra ten minutes, the same with your hair. Start with the wedding time and work backwards. If you are getting married at 2:00 pm then figure an hour for hair and makeup and getting dressed. That would put you getting ready at 1:00 pm.
- Make-up. This isn't the day to try out new make-up. If you want to experiment do so, only do it a couple of weeks before the wedding day, in case you find out that you are allergic to the new make-up.
- Mascara. This is the day that you will want to wear waterproof eye makeup. Waterproof mascara stays on longer and will help to withstand the tears. If you don't like the feel of waterproof mascara then apply your favorite mascara first, let it dry, and then apply the waterproof mascara.
- Lipstick. Use a long-lasting lipstick. Apply only once and it will stay on all day, and then throughout the day you will want to reapply a lip moisturizer so that your lips will stay moist and picture-perfect. This product is hard to remove so you will want to practice using this before the big day so your lip color will be perfect.
- Emergency kit. Take time to prepare an emergency kit for the day. The kit should contain items like clear nail polish to repair stocking runs, tissue, a hairbrush, hairspray, lipstick (if not wearing an all day lipstick), a small sewing kit, and anything else that you think might be essential for the day.
- Hair. The wedding day or even several days preceding the wedding is not the time to experiment with new hair-dos. If you want a permanent, different hair style, cut, or color, these are all best done several months before the wedding. That way, if you don't like the new look you have time to undo the look. Have a look that will be easy to maintain during the day. You don't want to have to excuse yourself all day to check on and re-fix your hair.
- Spot Checker. This is a great job for your mother or maid of honor. It should be someone who knows what your style is. Her job is to stay focused on you and to keep an eye on you to let you know if you need any touch-ups during day.
Following these tips you will look fabulous for your wedding and throughout the day.
Author Bio
Debra Wyatt
Deb has a communications degree and applies her talents to her position as Marketing Specialist at Sharon Parq Associates. In her spare time she spends time with her children and grandchildren and devotes time to her church. Learn more about Debra...
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