Finding a beauty routine sometimes can be difficult, especially if you do not know where to begin. Applying these four basic steps daily will have you on your way in no time. Your skin will look healthier and you will feel great knowing that you are taking good care of your skin.
There are four basic steps in a beauty regime. Some of the steps should occur daily, while others should be done on a weekly basis. Before you actually begin your beauty regime it helps to know what type of skin you have. It really isn't hard to determine your skin type; is it oily, normal, dry, sensitive, or is it sun-damaged? When you look for your skincare products, look for the products that best suit your skin type.
The four basic beauty regime steps are cleansing, exfoliating, toning, and moisturizing or applying sunscreen. Some steps can be combined, which you should consider if your skin type allows combining. By combining steps you simplify your beauty routine which will help you stay with it.
Step 1: Cleansing
Cleanse your face at night with a good cleanser; be sure to remove all your makeup. Then in the morning splash on some warm water. This should be enough to remove any nighttime oils.
A simple cleanser will do the job; it doesn't have to be expensive. You can find a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil. Inexpensive cleansers can be found at local drug stores like Walgreens and CVS. They actually have store brand versions of the same type of cleansers as Cetaphil at a fraction of the cost.
When it comes to cleaning your face you really should avoid soap. In fact, soap should never be applied to anything above the neckline. Using soap on your face can dry it out. If you have sensitive skin you will want to stay away from products that have any fragrance to them because the chemicals used to create the fragrance can also irritate your skin.
Step 2: Exfoliating
Even though this step isn't done every day, I put it in because it is part of a beauty regime and shouldn't be forgotten. This step is usually the hardest one to remember because you should only it weekly. However, once you begin and if you do it properly you will start to notice how your skin will respond. Men who shave basically do this step without even realizing it. That's why men should only shave after cleaning their face. This is also why men often look younger than women that are their same age.
There are several different ways to exfoliate the skin such as chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and retinoid. Some of these are very harsh and costly.
Step 3: Toning
Toners help to restore balance to the skin while removing any traces of oil, makeup, and dirt. Toners can cost anywhere from $2 to $40. Something that is inexpensive that I have found that works great is just some plain old witch-hazel. Witch-hazel can be found at any drug store and most supermarkets.
Step 4: Moisturizing or Applying Sunscreen
This is a vital step to maintaining a daily beauty regime. When moisturizing you want to use a light moisturizer if you have oily skin. Dry skin requires a heavier type of moisturizer.
If you use a good sunscreen you may not have to use a moisturizer, or you may find a good moisturizer that has an SPF agent in it. You need to protect your skin from the sun and the best way to do that is with sunscreen.
It doesn't take a lot of time to take care of your skin. Just apply the basic steps and you will find your skin glowing and looking healthy before the end of the week.
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