Body soaps come in many shapes, sizes, scents, and types. It seems that there is a specific soap made for every skin type you could think of, and with so many scents that it might be a little overwhelming deciding which is right for you.
It's true that there are a lot of options out there, but a little research will help you discover what soap is perfect for your skin. Which soap you will want to use can depend on your skin type and other factors, such as your health. For instance, if you have a particular skin condition, there are soaps that will work much better for you than others.
So what kinds of soap are out there? First, here are the basic types of soap you can find:
- Bar Soap. Bar soap comes in a solid form. After contact with water, this soap can easily be lathered and applied to the body. This popular soap form has been around for a long time, and is still preferred by many.
- Liquid Soap/Body Wash. This is soap that you can find in liquid form, in a bottle. Because it is already a liquid, this soap can be spread easily over the body in a loofah. sponge, washcloth, or by hand.
There are varieties of both bar and liquid soaps, including:
- Moisturizing. Moisturizing soaps are good for people with very dry skin. These soaps allow the body to hold on to moisture and stay soft and healthy. If your skin is already pretty moisturized, you will probably do fine with regular soap.
- Antibacterial. Many people worry about exposure to bacteria. Antibacterial soaps help kill bacteria on skin and leave you feeling clean. There are, however, worries over whether over-using antibacterial products can be more harmful than helpful.
- Scrub. It is a good idea to exfoliate dead skin from time to time so that your skin can be at its softest. Using a body soap that acts as a scrub is one way to get rid of dead skin cells and leave you with fresh, soft skin.
- Medicated. Some soaps have medication added that can help with various skin conditions. For instance, there are soaps made to help prevent and heal acne on the body, soothe dry skin conditions such as Eczema, or give relief to those dealing from Chicken Pox.
Choose a soap that is right for your skin type, and you will leave the shower feeling clean and renewed.
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Karen Bates
An English student who enjoys writing and art, Karen has had her poetry published in her university's literary journal and has several novels in the works. Learn more about Karen...
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