Did you know that earwax buildup not only causes extreme pain when it presses against the eardrum, but it is also blamed for 80% of hearing aid faults? Although earwax provides protection from fungus and bacteria in the ear canal, excessive and impacted earwax can impair hearing, impede the function of hearing aids, and become unsightly if left unchecked.
While you can go to your doctor to have earwax removed, you also can remove it yourself at home. Here are some ways to remove earwax. The scientific community does not approve some of these methods, but some people believe that they work well:
- Using equal parts of warm water and hydrogen peroxide, fill a bulb syringe with the solution and squirt it into your ear. Tilt your head during the process and allow the solution to stay inside of the ear for at least one minute. Repeat the process until the ear wax falls from your ear.
- If you choose to use cotton swabs, remember to only clean the outside of the ear with them. If you push the swab into your ear canal, you risk impacting the wax further.
- Ear candling is a folk remedy that some people believe helps to vacuum the earwax from the ear canal. Use a hollow beeswax candle and place one end of it inside the ear canal, ensuring that there are no gaps between the candle and the skin. Light the other end of the candle and the rising hot air may suction out the earwax.
- Another version of candling can be performed with a paper tube instead of a candle. Roll a piece of paper into a tube and place one end inside of the ear canal. Light the other end and the rising hot air will suction out the earwax.
- Visit your local pharmacy and purchase chemical earwax dissolvers. Follow the instructions on the label to remove the earwax. Keep in mind that most chemical earwax dissolvers involve several days of treatment, and the earwax will literally dissolve and become liquefied, allow the wax to drip from your ear.
For heavy earwax buildup that involves hearing loss or severe pain, it is wise to make an appointment to see your doctor where he has specialized tools available to remove the earwax in sterile conditions.
Author Bio
April Reinhardt
An administrator for a mutual fund management firm, April deals with the written word daily. She loves to write and plans to author a memoir in the near future. April attended Morehead State University to pursue a BA degree in Elementary Education. Learn more about April...
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