Improving How Your Arms Look
I have found that one of the most frustrating things about growing older is that for some reason my arms always seem to be flabby and loose. It seemed like my arms were never what they should be, when I found that there were several options that I could use to improve, as Bridget Jones says in her movies, my "wobbly bits." These options range from simple exercising, to the dramatic (and expensive) option of surgery. As is almost always the case, the best results are obtained through a little sweat and toil. By putting forth some effort, you get the results that you want, build appreciation for yourself, and save some serious cash. Here are two exercise that you can do anywhere that is going to improve the look, and feel, of your arms.
Chair Dips
- This exercise can be accomplished by using a normal kitchen chair found in anyone's home.
- Sit at the end of the chair while holding its' edges with your hands. Be sure that the chair is a sturdy one, as you do not want to have it break, or give way underneath you as this exercise is being performed.
- Fully extend your legs keeping your toes pointed towards the ceiling. This will make your weight be supported by your arms only, so first timers are going to need to be careful that their arms do not give out from underneath them.
- Slowly raise yourself from the seat of the chair using a push up motion. Keep pushing up, until you have gone past a 90 degree angle, and then hold position for one second. AS you gain in experience, you can increase the length of time to as much as 5 seconds between each repetition.
- Beginners should only do one set of 10, while those who are more experienced can do up to three sets. Again, as you are gaining in experience, try increasing the amount of time that you hold yourself between repetitions. This is going to dramatically increase the effectiveness of your workout, as well as the results.
Bicep Curls
- Attempting to do this exercise for the first time, beginners may wish to use a wall to help them perfect their posture. Having the proper posture is essential in order to get the most out of the exercises presented here.
- Stand upright, while holding a small dumbbell (between 2.5 lbs. and 10 lbs.) in each of your hands with the palms turned inwards towards your legs.
- While keeping your arms close to your body, slowly lift the dumbbell in a curling motion upwards, moving from the elbows. You can do this either by moving one arm at a time, or both at the same time.
- Beginners should only do a single set of 10 repetitions. When, after you have gained in experience, you want to increase your workout. Do this by increasing the number of sets from one to two. Eventually, you can increase the number of repetitions, as you gain in strength.
Author Bio
Doris Donnerman
Doris is a jack of all trades, writing on a variety of topics. Her articles have helped enlighten and entertain thousands over the years. Learn more about Doris...
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