I'm most used to seeing temporary hair dye on Halloween, Crazy Hair Day at the local high school, and on college football game days. Temporary hair dye isn't my favorite way to go when changing my appearance, but it's a relatively harmless endeavor and can usually achieve the effect you want when it comes to your hair.
You can find temporary hair dyes in just about every color from natural hair colors to bright primary colors to metallic tones. You can find it as a gel, a spray, or just about any other kind of medium.
The trick to temporary dyes is that they only rest on the surface of the hair, rather than penetrating to the interior of the hair like semi-permanent and permanent dyes do. These kind of dyes can be used for any occasion to create an effect; they can make a zombie, an old lady, an athletic fan, and there's no commitment when it comes to temporary hair dyes. Most temporary dyes come out with a single shampoo. Temporary hair dyes are really just for fun and not for real.
Temporary hair dyes are pretty inexpensive and easy to use, but the thing to remember is that this kind of hair color looks cheap, temporary, and easy. It won't have any depth and people will be able to tell that you're "faking it." Most temporary hair dyes are meant to look fake though, given their purpose. If you want to go for a "natural" look with temporary hair dye, you probably will fail in that regard. If you want lasting natural color, go with permanent hair color which goes into a whole different arena of hair care and products.
Most of the time temporary hair color comes out in a single wash, but there are chances that it could stay in for a bit longer. If your hair is dry then the hair color has much greater opportunity to go through the exterior follicle and make its way into the inside, therefore making it so it's not as temporary as you thought.
Temporary hair dyes are fun for certain occasions (especially when showing unwavering support for favorite college teams!) and can definitely make a bang, but they do look tacky without any context. If you want to have blue and purple streaks, I advise you to refrain from both temporary streaks and permanent. Extreme colors like that outside of any specific event look tacky and are not too attractive.
For your next costume party or team basketball game, feel free to pull out the spray on color, hair gel, and rinses to make the bang you want. Just remember to wash it out later!
Author Bio
Charlotte Wood
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