Your face is critical in adding or subtracting to your total self-confidence. Some people are rewarded with perfect skin that is easy to care for, that only needs to be washed twice a day with soap. For most of us though, a clear complexion takes a little bit more work. Whether you are on the cusp of pubescent acne or starting to see crow's feet and other wrinkles line your face, you can find more skin care options to help you look your best.
Some skin care products are cheap, while others are expensive. Some require large amounts of time, while others just suggest infrequent application. How do you know what products to spend your time and money on?
- Don't forget the basics: Make sure that you are washing your face regularly—don't spend the extra money on more expensive skin care without trying the basics first! Make sure that you are also eating right, drinking enough water, exercising regularly, not picking at your face, using sunscreen, and getting enough sleep. These factors can all contribute to not only how you feel, but how your face looks as well.
- Extreme acne-fighting products: Large amounts of product for acne are on the market. Sometimes the best way to determine what will work best for you is through trial-and-error, as everyone's face may respond differently to different treatment.
- Getting rid of oily skin: Make sure that you are using oil-free makeup. If possible, try using makeup made of natural ingredients. Try oil-free face washes and masks. Instead of using a creamy soap, try using gel soap instead. Sometimes skin gets oily because it's overreacting to soaps that may be drying your skin out, so experiment with different soaps and how often you wash your face.
- Anti-aging products: It may be best to experiment on anti-aging products as well. Try antioxidants, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and anti-aging creams. If you're young, prevent some of your future damage now by wearing sunscreen. Sometimes it's best to find a product through word-of-mouth, so ask some of your friends or family members what has worked for them.
- Rashes: Some common rashes like eczema can be treated easily with the use of an over-the-counter cream. Some, however, need more medical attention.
If you are still having trouble with your skin or you would be more comfortable getting one-on-one help, check with a dermatologist. He or she should be able to prescribe the medication you need.
Author Bio
Emily McBride
A senior majoring in English and editing at BYU, Emily hopes to enter the field of professional editing upon graduation. Emily has done humanitarian work in Africa and studied in London. She enjoys blogging, foreign films, and playing the piano. Learn more about Emily...
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